Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Connected to the Vine

I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing.
John 15:5

Without the Lord in my life I know I can do nothing. I must daily walk in His ways, acknowledging He is my strength and will set my path straight. This is why it is so very important that we seek His face daily in quiet time. Praying, meditating on the scriptures and waiting on His answers. It's never easy to get up early, before my day begins and give the early morning hours to the Lord. However, when I do, he blesses me immensely! My goal this week is to rise early and have prayer time and reading in His word before we begin our day.

Praise God for all the wonderful blogs out there that are so encouraging and lifting up the name of Jesus! You are a blessing!

1 comment:

God Chaser said...

I would love for you to link to my sight.
I give thanks for your post today I struggle with getting up early (being a night person) but I want to balance my life so I am having a quiet time everyday. Thanks for the encouragement